
Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Bust the Caps 

By now you should have all read this: http://blog.deanforamerica.com/archives/002128.html

If you haven't, I'll wait. Go take a look.

Long, wasn't it? Here's the simple truth:

We have to vote yes on busting the federal financing caps. This means no matching funds. I know some of us had been thrilled that the Dean campaign, because of their small donors, could capture more of those funds than the other Democrats. That's true, but we aren't in a campaign against for the nomination anymore (at least as far as the money goes).

We can't beat George W. Bush with just $45 Million for the "Primary Season". He's breaking the caps already and plans to have somewhere in the neighborhood of $200 Million to smash the hell out of our nominee until the Republican Convention in September. Then they can raise more millions, grab some federal funds, and continue the smear machine.

Al Gore barely won in 2000, running on a message of Peace and Prosperity because he was outspent 2-1 by the Republican smear machine. We don't stand a chance being outspent 4-1.

I worked for John McCain in 2000, even though I disagreed with most of his positions, because of his strong support of Campaign Finance Reform. This is as bitter a pill for me to swallow as it is for any of you.

But do we want to be pure, or do we want to win? I don't think we can raise enough to beat George W. Bush in the money race - if we had the money, we'd be Republicans - but I do think we can raise enough to get the message out and be competitive. And that's what we have to do.

Vote to bust the caps.

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